Get Involved
Your support underwrites WIFMCO’s programs, events, and other initiatives that help us advance women in film, media and television and serve our community.
Become a Member
WIFMCO members are writers, directors, producers, actors, editors, crew members and others working in film and media. Our membership consists of women and men who are interested in developing their professional skills and networking with like-minded creators, and who are supporters of the equal employment of women at all levels in the film, media and television industry. We offer a dynamic network for sharing ideas, opportunities, and advancement of our members.
WIFMCO is thankful for a network of dedicated sponsors, partners, foundations, corporate givers and individuals to achieve our mission of gender parity in film and media through professional development, advocacy, and community for women, transgender, and non-binary media makers. By sponsoring WIFMCO, you will make a significant difference for women working in the film and media industries.
We are always in need of volunteers for our many committees, events, and programs, whether you are a member or not. Volunteering is a great way to support the community and to see membership is something you would be interested in. Contact us to discuss a role you have in mind or the volunteer needs we have.