Having a safe space to check in with the community is vital to our mental health. Join WIFMCO members every month for a mental health check-in and self-connection opportunity. Guided by mental health professionals, this will be a time where you can vent, cry, hold space, or just be reminded to check in with yourself, something we often forget in this crazy business. Featuring guided meditations, journal prompts, and open discussions.
@wifti @wiftinternational @filmincolorado @coloradofilmco
#womeninthecreativeindustry #womeninfilm #womeninfilmmaking #womeninmusic #womeninbusiness #empowerwomen #filmindustry #wifti #womenmakemovies #wiftinternational #wiftchapters #genderequality #diversity #womeninfilmmaking #filmmaking #filmmaker #Colorado