We are Women in Film & Media Colorado.
Uniting, educating, and empowering women media makers and their community.
WIFMCO is a non-profit organization composed of women and men in all areas of the Colorado film, television, and media industry, with a focus on advancing women in these fields.
We connect women.
Our monthly events help you develop new skills that advance your career. Meet and network with a variety of Colorado film and media makers at our events.
Join Us.
Our community is strongest when we support each other. Whether you have time, talents, expertise, or other gifts to share, we need you as an important part of enriching our community of Colorado film and media makers.

What People Are Saying
“WIFMCO is the Colorado organization making big moves and getting things done for local filmmakers. Period.”
“WIFMCO is a great organization. I think the Coffee Chat is a really comfortable place for newbies to get their feet wet and get an idea of what WIFMCO has to offer.”
“I have gained a lot of knowledge through WIFMCO involvement and when I reached out to members for help with funding a short, I got very valuable information and support.”
“This is a great organization and I’ve already gained a great deal from my membership.”
We are WIFMCO.
Women in Film and Media Colorado is dedicated to the advancement of all women working in the film, television, media, web, and video game industries in Colorado. We work to connect, empower, educate, and advance all female media-makers and to help elevate the entire Colorado media industry.